Tag Archives: featured
Join the Stormwolf Mailing List

Join the Stormwolf Mailing List

In this new world of digital distribution, I’m turning out a fair amount of work which is digital-original. I mention it in blog posts and on Twitter and Facebook. I realize that I’ve really missed the boat, all these years, by not putting together a mailing list for folks where I can shoot off an […]

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E-book Design doesn’t have to be bad

E-book Design doesn’t have to be bad

A Twitter message of outrage over e-book pricing from @feliciaday (yes, that Felicia Day) reminded me of an embarrassing incident from the holidays. I’d put it out of my mind largely due to hysterical amnesia. You’ll see why in a second. For Christmas my brother, sister and I kicked in to get my parents an […]

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Whistling Past the Graveyard: HarperCollins and Amanda Knox

Whistling Past the Graveyard: HarperCollins and Amanda Knox

I ran across a news item today about HarperCollins signing Amanda Knox to a huge book deal. Four million dollars for her tell-all biography about her ordeal in the Italian justice system. For those of you, like me, who don’t have cable and haven’t been following cases like this (or that of Casey Anthony) closely, […]

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Thank God I’m not a swimsuit model!

Thank God I’m not a swimsuit model!

A problem for any creative individual is that critiques of what we do—by friends, family (parents especially), peers, taste arbitrators and the public—can really hurt. I’ve taken to throwing up a first line of defense when it comes to Internet reviews—especially anonymous ones—which is to remind myself that, until proven otherwise, every Internet pundit is […]

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Ignorant Vigilance Is Worthless

Ignorant Vigilance Is Worthless

Back in the 1980s, a cabal of fringe law enforcement officials (who also happened to be Born Again Christians), radio and televangelists (Bob Larson, to name but one) and traumatized parents (Pat Pulling being one) got together to warn the world about the dangers of Satanism. I became involved in a rational effort to rein […]

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Lime & Chili Tapenade

Lime & Chili Tapenade

The closest I get to being a scientist these days is to pretend to be one in the kitchen. I like cooking. The fact that it’s chemistry that tastes good is a huge plus. I generally mix things on the fly out of the variety of spices in the cupboard, but sometimes I sit down […]

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Ask Dr. Sinisterion: Who do I back in the GOP Primary?

Ask Dr. Sinisterion: Who do I back in the GOP Primary?

(After months of having been absent from blogging and off the radar, please welcome back Doctor Sinisterion. He assures me that he’s successfully fought extradition, so should be a regular here once again. Here is his latest dose of insight about the world from a decidedly and distinctly unique point of view. —Mike Stackpole) Doctor […]

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