Tag Archives: featured
Is the removal of DRM really significant?

Is the removal of DRM really significant?

On Twitter, Tim W. (@hawkins8142) send me a link to a BBC article about TOR books deciding to remove DRM (digital rights management) software from their ebook titles. It’s a good article and correctly points out that other publishers (including indies) have been going without DRM for a while now. In fact, the TOR announcement […]

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The Anti-Trust Suit Settlement—A Layman’s Opinion

The Anti-Trust Suit Settlement—A Layman’s Opinion

Let me state from the outset, if the title is not enough of a warning, that I am not a lawyer. My opinion on the settlement, if nuanced at all, is not informed by the law. I’m reacting to what I read via news stories and in commentaries by folks who know more law than […]

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Why Selling Direct is Vital for Authors

Why Selling Direct is Vital for Authors

News hit this morning that Google has decided to no longer sell ebooks through independent bookstores. Instead Google will focus on selling ebooks directly through Google Play. Their collaborative effort with bookstores had been an attempt by both parties to crack Amazon’s dominance of the ebook market. Writers having their own websites and/or taking other […]

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March: In like a Lion, out like a Dragon

March: In like a Lion, out like a Dragon

I’ve been MIA for most of March, at least from the online world. I mean, I’ve been around a lot in the physical world. This is what my schedule looked like: • March 1-4 StellarCon (Greensboro, North Carolina, with a surprise sleep-over in Charlotte on the night of the 1st.) • March 6-7 Plumbing disaster […]

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My Mom’s Birthday Giveaway

My Mom’s Birthday Giveaway

As you may recall, last month, on 3 February, I gave away copies of A Gathering Evil for free through Amazon and the Kindle Store. That was a Friday, and, by happenstance, the day after my brother’s birthday. (I know, seems like a random fact, but it will tie in nicely later.) I’m still gathering […]

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It’s a bad sign if…

It’s a bad sign if…

A rather enigmatic Tweet by Dean Wesley Smith pointed me toward a Tweet by a literary agent, Terrie Wolf. Allow me to quote: Terrie Wolf ‏ @AKA_Terrie Authors, listen up. Unless you’ve passed the bar – don’t argue contract law with agents/editors. We get it. Promise. #pubtips Here’s a big #pubtip: Any time someone with […]

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Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.

Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.

A couple days ago I posted a Twitter link to an article in the Huffington Post titled: PayPal Takes Controversial Stance Against Sex. The article reveals that Paypay has told a number of websites selling erotica that if they continue to sell work that features bestiality, incest (or pseudo-incest) or underage sex, Paypal will suspend […]

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