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Out-of-Print Books and Hard-to-Find titles

(Revised 3/24/06)

Out-Of-Print Books

There are not many of my books that are out of print. To the best of my knowledge the only ones that are out of print are:

    Once A Hero (1994 fantasy novel, my first, that Bantam let go out of print in 2001)

    Eyes of Silver (Fantasy novel from Bantam)

    Natural Selection
    (BattleTech novel. I’ve seen good copies priced from $5 to $25.)

    Assumption of Risk
    (BattleTech novel. It was reprinted once, with the second printing having a little balloon on the cover touting the cartoon series.)

    Bred For War
    (BattleTech novel.)

    A Hero Born (This is the first Chaos novel and is still available in stores, but I think it’s out of print otherwise.)

    An Enemy Reborn (The second Chaos novel. After HarperPrism was bought by Avon, the second book was allowed to go out of print, with no intention to reprint.)

    Other BattleTech Books
    : Roc appears to be letting these books go out of print, but I see lots in bookstores, so snag them while you can.

With Once a Hero and Eyes of Silver, Bantam Books has made available a trade paperback sized version for around $25.

To get these books, there are some excellent online resources:

I’ve used all three services in buying out of print books and have been very pleased with how deals have been transacted.

Hardcover Remainder

I, Jedi: Some time after a book goes to paperback, the publisher liquidates whatever stocks they have on hand of the hardcover. In April of 2001 Random House decided to remainder I, Jedi. There were enough left over that approximately one copy will show up in every chain outlet in the country. I also purchased a good stock of them and have them available for sale.

Hard-to-Find titles you can purchase directly from Mike!

    A Gathering Evil (To read the first chapter, go here.)
    Evil Ascending
    Evil Triumphant
    Mages Blood & Old Bones
    The Warrior Trilogy
    Prince of Havoc
    Wolf and Raven
    Spicy Air Tales, Vol. One: Fortune’s Hunt

Why buy books from Mike?

Dear Reader,

The books I sell are not easy to find, though some are available. If you buy from me, I can and will sign them as directed and send them directly to you. If you buy them from someone else, even at a discount, you’ll pay for shipping from them to you. If you then want the books signed, and send them to me, you’ll pay postage in both directions (and increase the chances of the books getting lost or smashed or something).

You can shop my online store and submit your order electronically. You can by via Check or Money Order through the mail once you’ve submitted your order, or you can pay via PayPal. You don’t even need a PayPal account!

Be sure to include in your order comments:

    Any inscriptions you want in the books
    A valid email address if you’re ordering The Secrets

I’m a writer, not a bookseller. If I didn’t have a garage full of books to get rid of, I’d not be selling anything at all. I would prefer for everyone to buy my books from bookstores, because they move a lot of books. Independent booksellers, such as those listed on my links page, are especially great because they will let you know if there is a book they think you will like. I do my best to buy books from independent booksellers, and would sell the above books to independent booksellers for a discount in appropriate quantities.

Yours truly,