Saturday Double-header
Saturday, 24 October, I’ll be holding two events in Second Life
4 PM (7 Eastern, 4 Pacific) I’ll offer my Nano-sprinting talk. It will take about an hour and a half and will cover all the topics that will make participating in this year’s National Novel Writing Month much easier. This is the talk that I’ve given once before in Second Life, and then last Thursday evening out in Mesa, Arizona. One of the best parts of the Mesa event was having one woman say there was absolutely “no way” she could grind out 1,700 words in a day. She said her top speed was 500-600 words. I told her she could do it if she didn’t stop to edit along the way—a point with which she immediately agreed. After the talk, two women who had been typing notes on their word processors told her that they’d typed 1,700 and 2,500 words of notes respectively in the hour-and-a-half talk, proving that they could hit that mark and then some.
The talk will cover the discipline necessary to write 50,000 words in a month, things like characterization and dialogue (which will make the writing easier); and cool tricks to expand that 50,000 words into a more commercially viable novel when the whole month is over.
6 PM (9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific) I’ll read a brand new story called Covenant. I don’t often do horror type stories, but this is one of those moody, spooky pieces that fits perfectly with Halloween. I wrote it especially to be read aloud. This will be the first public performance, and it’s free.
Getting into Second Life is easy, and doesn’t cost a cent. Set up an account, download the software, and then you can click here. That will take you to the heart of our new home, and you can join right in the festivities.
Both of these events will be voice events, and there are instructions on how to listen once you get into Second Life.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
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