Truncated Tuesday

In one of those bits of serendipity that occurs when one compiles statistics, I wrote two chapters for 5092 words, which is exactly the number of words I did yesterday. Very odd. But the chapters were good, and once I work myself out of a little sequence of chapters, we’re on to the big finish for At the Queen’s Command.

This blog post will be short because I am exhausted and am not typing straight. Aside from two chapters, I also cleaned up the kitchen and made the stuffing for Thanksgiving. Since I cook the turkey in a smoker, I don’t stuff the bird. The stuffing will go in the oven and is cornbread based, with sage seasoning, sausage, pine nuts and cranberries. I resisted eating bunches as I mixed it, being a very good boy. Besides, that means there is more to eat Thursday.

I ended up dancing this evening, which was a lot of fun. Dancing and soccer are the only exercise I’m getting while pushing on this novel. I enjoyed myself, however, and got to see some folks I’d not seen in a while. The tightness in my thighs from soccer eased up pretty fast and we learned a nice new move in the lesson, so I am pleased.

November Word Count: Hard: 76,928 Soft: 15910

It will be an interesting race to see if I hit the target 100,000 words by the end of November. A bit of a moot point since I still have another week of work on the book. Had I not lost a couple days to meetings and conventions, I would have been there easily. The cogent point is this: even only doing one chapter a day, I can kick out a 100,000 word novel in 40 days. That’s six novels a year, with weekends off. When you think about it, all it means is this: if you want to write, start piling the words up and you’ll get there.

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